Tuesday 14 February 2017

Aktienoptionen Futures Magazin

SFO, weithin als der offizielle Anwalt für den Privatanleger respektiert, begann ursprünglich das Leben Ende 2001 als Stock Futures amp Options, konzentriert sich auf die Aufklärung Händler über Aktien-Futures und Aktienoptionen. Bis Mitte 2003 war es klar, dass die Mission breiter war, und die Zeitschrift wurde Aktien, Futures und Optionen, die Einzel-und Einzelhandel Händler Informationen, Bildung und Analyse, die sie verwenden können, um erfolgreicher und rentabler zu werden. Wie die Märkte für den Einzelhandel Teilnehmer entwickelt, so auch SFOs Abdeckung. Auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Popularität, bot sie 25 Hauptkategorien der regelmäßigen Abdeckung. Dazu gehörten die technische und fundamentale Analyse, die Handelspsychologie, die Weltmärkte, Day Trading und Handelssysteme, Green Investing, Exchange Traded Funds und Devisen. SFO konsequent blieb auf dem neuesten Stand der Märkte und Technologie und spritzte in die digitale Zeitschrift Welt mit seinem März 2010 Publikation. Die Zeitschrift diente als ein zuverlässiger Ort für aktive Händler, um konsequent nützliche und innovative Artikel über Märkte, Handelsstrategien und technische Methoden sowie wirtschaftliche und regulatorische Fragen zu finden. Der Fokus auf globale und nationale Nachrichten, Kommentare und Methoden in Aktien und Derivatemärkten bot den Lesern die Möglichkeit, ihre persönlichen Investitionsstile zu gestalten und die Marktchancen optimal zu nutzen. TraderPlanet übernahm im Oktober 2012 den Besitz des SFO Magazins und beabsichtigt, sein Vermächtnis fortzusetzen, eine frei verfügbare, hochkarätige globale Marktanalyse und konzeptionelle Diskussion durch eine fortlaufende Partnerschaft mit seinen einzelnen Mitarbeitern anzubieten, die der ehemalige Geschäftsführer Kira Brecht. Daniel P. Collins Über den Autor Editor-in-Chief of Modern Trader. Daniel Collins ist ein 25-jähriger Veteran der Futures-Branche, die auf den Handelsetagen des Chicago Board of Trade und Chicago Mercantile Exchange gearbeitet hat. Dan trat 2001 dem Futures-Magazin bei, bevor die Namensänderung an Modern Trader stattfand. Und im Jahr 2005 wurde er zum Managing Editor, verantwortlich für die Überwachung aller Inhalte, die in Futures und Futuresmag ging gefördert. Dans schneidende Berichterstattung und keine Sperren kommentieren ihn zu den anerkanntesten nationalen Medien Zahlen über Futures, Derivathandel und alternative Investitionen. Nutzungsbedingungen BITTE LESEN SIE UNSERE COPYRIGHT AMP BEDINGUNGEN UND BEDINGUNGEN SORGFÄLTIG DURCH, BEWAHREN SIE UNSERE WEBSEITE. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS, DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG UND ALLGEMEINE GESCHÄFTSBEDINGUNGEN FÜR DIE VEREINBARUNG VON TraderPlanet. Dies ist eine rechtliche Vereinbarung zwischen Ihnen (eine natürliche oder juristische Person) (nachfolgend Lizenznehmer oder Sie) und TraderPlanet, LLC, eine Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Florida (nachfolgend TraderPlanet oder We), die Ihre Beziehung zu TraderPlanet regelt und sich auf diese bezieht Der von TraderPlanet angebotenen Dienste und Ressourcen, einschließlich der Domains TraderPlanet, SFOmag und aller anderen Websites und Systeme innerhalb der Domain TraderPlanet und aller Subdomains (im Folgenden zusammen als TraderPlanet Website bezeichnet) zusammen mit den Nachfolgeseiten des TraderPlanet Internet Messaging Service Forum Nachrichten Blogs Software Media Anwendungen Webinare Streaming-Videos E-Mail Blasts und alle anderen Features, Inhalte oder Anwendungen von Zeit zu Zeit von TraderPlanet (zusammen, die TraderPlanet Services) angeboten. Diese Vereinbarung stellt in ihrer jeweils gültigen Fassung die gesamte Vereinbarung zwischen Ihnen und TraderPlanet dar, die vorherige Vereinbarungen zwischen Ihnen und TraderPlanet (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf frühere Versionen dieser Vereinbarung) ersetzt. Die Steuersprache dieser Vereinbarung ist Englisch. Wenn Sie eine Übersetzung in eine andere Sprache erhalten haben, wird Ihnen diese nur für Ihre Bequemlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Wenn Sie nicht einverstanden sind und die Bedingungen der Vereinbarung aus irgendeinem Grund akzeptieren, stimmt TraderPlanet nicht zu, Ihnen Zugang zu den TraderPlanet Services zu gewähren, und Sie sollten die TraderPlanet Website verlassen und die Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services sofort einstellen. Die TraderPlanet Services werden in den Vereinigten Staaten gehostet. Förderfähigkeit. Sie sind berechtigt, die TraderPlanet Services zu nutzen (unabhängig davon, ob Ihr Zugang oder Ihre Nutzung beabsichtigt ist) nur, wenn Ihre Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services nicht vorübergehend oder unbegrenzt von TraderPlanet ausgesetzt wurde und Sie sich damit einverstanden erklären, alle anwendbaren Gesetze und diese Vereinbarung einzuhalten . Wenn Sie die TraderPlanet-Website besuchen oder eine der TraderPlanet-Services nutzen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein Besucher sind ("Visitorquot"), bedeutet dies, dass Sie einfach auf der TraderPlanet-Website surfen oder Sie sind Mitglied der TraderPlanet Services (quotMemberquot), was bedeutet, dass Sie sich bei TraderPlanet registriert haben , Ihre Nutzung und Zugang zu den TraderPlanet Services sind auf Ihre Annahme, ohne Änderung der Bedingungen und Konditionen in dieser Vereinbarung. Der Begriff "Userquot" bezieht sich auf einen Besucher oder ein Mitglied. Durch die Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services erkennen Sie an, dass Sie gelesen, vollständig verstanden haben und damit einverstanden sind, dass sie rechtlich an alle Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung gebunden sind und erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass diese Vereinbarung vollstreckbar ist Von Ihnen unterschriebene schriftliche Vereinbarung und dass Sie einen rechtsverbindlichen Vertrag abschließen. Sie stimmen zu, auf die TraderPlanet-Dienste nicht mit anderen Mitteln als über die Schnittstelle zuzugreifen, die Ihnen von TraderPlanet zur Nutzung beim Zugriff auf die TraderPlanet Services zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Mitgliedsregistrierung, Passwort und Kontosicherheit. Während viele Inhalte, die über die TraderPlanet-Dienste verfügbar sind, für Besucher frei sind, wenn Sie Inhalte und Inhalte auf der TraderPlanet-Website teilen, veröffentlichen und veröffentlichen möchten, mit Mitgliedern kommunizieren, Dienste nutzen und Dienste nutzen, Und haben Zugriff auf passwortgeschützte Bereiche der TraderPlanet-Website (im Folgenden als Password Protected Member Services bezeichnet), müssen Sie sich als Mitglied registrieren, das ein Mitgliedskonto erstellt. In diesem Fall müssen Sie TraderPlanet freiwillig einen Benutzernamen (Benutzername) Und Kennwort (Kennwort), (zusammengefasst Personal Information), für Ihr Mitgliedsprofil und geben Sie Ihre Akzeptanz und Ausführung dieser Vereinbarung während des Registrierungsprozesses elektronisch an. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Sie zu verpflichten, eine nicht-elektronische Version des Vertrags zu unterzeichnen. Bei der Registrierung als Mitglied Sie müssen Ihr eigenes Profil online (Mitgliedsprofil) entweder als Händlerprofil (Händlerprofil) einrichten, wenn Sie eine Einzelperson sind, oder als Firmenprofil (Firmenprofil), wenn Sie eine Geschäftseinheit darstellen. TraderPlanet behält sich das Recht vor, die Registrierung oder den Zugriff auf Password Protected Member Services für jeden Benutzer zu verweigern oder zu widerrufen. TraderPlanet kann die Sicherheit von Informationen, die Sie durch die Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services an Dritte weitergeben, nicht garantieren. Sie machen diese Angaben auf eigene Gefahr. Geben Sie Ihren Namen, Telefonnummern, E-Mail - oder Postadressen, Ihr Passwort oder andere persönliche Informationen nicht an andere Benutzer weiter, die Sie nicht kennen. TraderPlanet übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für Schäden, die aus der Nutzung (einschließlich der Neuveröffentlichung) oder der missbräuchlichen Nutzung von Informationen durch Dritte entstehen, die Sie freiwillig über alle Buchungen oder sonstige Tätigkeiten, Engagieren sich auf den TraderPlanet Services, die Sie auf eigene Gefahr tun. Das Händlerprofil von Trader Ed (im Folgenden "Trader Ed" genannt) ist das eines fiktiven Teilnehmers, und alle Beiträge von Inhalten oder Informationen, die einen Teil des auf der TraderPlanet-Website angezeigten oder auf TraderPlanet Services angezeigten Inhalts betreffend Trader Ed umfassen, Spiegeln nicht die Meinungen, Ansichten, Handelsaktivitäten, Handelsstrategien oder Lebenserfahrungen einer realen Person oder eines Händlers wider und sind nur für Unterhaltungszwecke zugänglich und verfügbar. Um auf bestimmte TraderPlanet Services zuzugreifen und sich daran zu beteiligen, werden Sie möglicherweise benachrichtigt, dass Sie Software oder Inhalte herunterladen müssen und zusätzliche Bedingungen akzeptieren. Soweit in den zusätzlichen Bedingungen für die TraderPlanet Services, an denen Sie teilnehmen möchten, nichts anderes bestimmt ist, werden diese zusätzlichen Bestimmungen in dieses Abkommen aufgenommen. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass Sie zusätzlichen Richtlinien, Regeln, Gebühren und Bedingungen für die TraderPlanet Services (einschließlich der Datenschutzerklärung von TraderPlanet) unterliegen, auf die hiermit Bezug genommen wird. Sofern nicht ausdrücklich anders angegeben, gilt jede neue Funktion, die die derzeitigen TraderPlanet Services, einschließlich der Freigabe neuer Werkzeuge, Ressourcen und Eigenschaften, ergänzt oder verbessert. Inhalt, Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Alle Inhalte auf, übermittelt, übertragen oder verknüpft, hochgeladen, heruntergeladen oder abgerufen von einem der TraderPlanet Services, die solche Informationen wie Artikel URLs Postings Kommentare Meinungen Nachrichten Textdateien Software-Kommentare Blog-Einträge Kommunikationsinhalte Horriscopes, Spalten klassifiziert Anzeigen historische , Verzögert oder aktuelle Marktdaten Daten verzögert oder Echtzeit-Markt-Zitate Bilder Forschungsergebnisse Nachrichten E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen Händlerprofile Produkt-Bewertungen Foren Chat Online-Versteigerungen Online-Spiele online Charity-Funktionen Diagramme Audio-Musik Grafiken Video-Fotos Diashows Bilder Sounds Webinare eBooks Anzeigen Newsletters Indikatoren Strategien Referenzmaterialien TraderPlanet (Nachfolgend Mendels) Links zu anderen Websites und allen anderen Inhalten, Materialien und Merkmalen dienen nur zu allgemeinen Informationszwecken und Bildungszwecken und sollen nicht für transaktionale Zwecke herangezogen werden. Die Inhalte der TraderPlanet Services liegen in der alleinigen Verantwortung der Person oder Organisation, aus der diese Inhalte stammen, und besteht aus Inhalten, die von den Mitgliedern (im Folgenden Mitgliedsinhalt), dem von TraderPlanet (im Folgenden: TraderPlanet Content) Von TraderPlanet-Lizenzgebern (im Folgenden als Lizenzgeber bezeichnet) und Inhalte, die von Werbetreibenden und anderen Dritten (im Folgenden "Andere Inhalte" genannt), insgesamt zusammengefasst werden. Sie und nicht TraderPlanet sind für alle Informationen, Materialien und Inhalte, die Sie über die TraderPlanet Services hochladen, veröffentlichen, übermitteln, übermitteln oder anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen, einschließlich Ihres Mitgliedsprofils, einschließlich Ihres Mitgliedsinhalts, verantwortlich , Und nicht TraderPlanet, die volle Verantwortung für jede Ihrer Einreichungen von Mitgliedsinhalten, einschließlich ihrer Angemessenheit, Urheberrecht, Zuverlässigkeit und Rechtmäßigkeit. TraderPlanet diktiert oder kontrolliert nicht die von den TraderPlanet-Diensten übermittelten Drittinhalte, die Ihnen über die TraderPlanet-Dienste, einschließlich Mitgliederinhalt, Lizenzgeberinhalt und andere Inhalte, zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass TraderPlanet nicht für derartige Inhalte verantwortlich ist und dass TraderPlanet keinerlei Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Währung, Eignung, Vollständigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Qualität jeglicher Inhalte übernimmt, unabhängig davon, ob sie von TraderPlanet oder von Dritten stammt Keine Verantwortung für irreführende, unbeabsichtigte, unrichtige, unerwünschte oder widerrechtliche Inhalte, die Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Von Zeit zu Zeit können Verweise auf die TraderPlanet-Website auf Inhalte veröffentlicht werden, die zuvor veröffentlicht wurden. Diese Referenzen können selektiv sein, sich nur auf einen Teil eines Artikels oder einer Stellungnahme beziehen und sind wahrscheinlich nicht aktuell. Da sich die Marktbedingungen kontinuierlich ändern, sind die zuvor veröffentlichten Informationen und Daten möglicherweise nicht aktuell und sollten nicht verlässlich sein. Sämtliche Inhalte werden nur zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung oder Indikation veröffentlicht und können durch spätere Marktereignisse oder aus anderen Gründen ersetzt werden. Das Aussehen der Inhalte kann je nach Browser-Funktionalität und Einschränkungen variieren. Werbung. Sie erkennen an und stimmen zu, dass TraderPlanet teilweise durch Sponsorenwerbung für Produkte und Dienstleistungen unterstützt wird, die durch Anzeigen oder sonstige Informationen oder Angebote in oder in Verbindung mit den TraderPlanet Services (zusammen, Produkte), die von TraderPlanet angeboten werden, sowie von autorisierten Dritten (autorisierten Werbetreibenden), die TraderPlanet für das Recht bezahlt haben, ihre Produkte Ihnen anzubieten. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass die Werbung für solche Produkte Ihnen und anderen Nutzern der TraderPlanet-Services überall auf der gesamten TraderPlanet-Website oder innerhalb der TraderPlanet-Services, einschließlich auf der Seite, auf der Ihr Mitgliedsprofil angezeigt wird, im alleinigen Ermessen von TraderPlanets präsentiert wird. Anzeigen und Aufforderungen jeglicher Art sind streng verboten, es sei denn, Sie sind ein autorisierter Werbetreibender. Nutzungslizenz. Vorbehaltlich der Bestimmungen dieses Vertrages gewährt TraderPlanet Ihnen hiermit eine beschränkte, widerrufliche, nicht ausschließliche, persönliche, nicht unterlizenzierbare, nicht abtretbare und nicht übertragbare Lizenz für den Zugriff auf die TraderPlanet-Website und die Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services Und ausdrücklich auf Ihre Zustimmung, dass alle diese Zugang und Nutzung werden durch alle Bedingungen und Bedingungen in diesem Abkommen geregelt. Keine Beratung oder Aufforderung. TraderPlanet befürwortet nicht den Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren oder Investitionen und keine Inhalte, die auf oder durch die TraderPlanet Services veröffentlicht werden, stellen eine Empfehlung dar, dass eine bestimmte Wertpapier-, Wertpapier-, Transaktions - oder Anlagestrategie für Sie oder eine bestimmte Person geeignet ist. Die TraderPlanet Services dienen nur zu Informationszwecken. Die TraderPlanet Services und alle Inhalte und Produkte, die auf oder durch sie bereitgestellt werden, sollten nicht als Investitions-, Finanz-, Versicherungs-, Steuer-, Rechts-oder sonstige Beratung ausgelegt werden. TraderPlanet bietet keine personalisierte Investitions - oder Finanzberatung an oder verlangt keine Bestätigungen, Empfehlungen, Vermerke oder Angebote zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Aktien, Futures, Rohstoffen, Optionen, Forex oder anderen Sicherheiten, Finanzinstrumenten oder Anlagen. Kein Inhalt auf der TraderPlanet Services ist dazu bestimmt, persönlich zugeschnittene Beratung hinsichtlich der Art, des Potenzials, des Wertes oder der Eignung eines bestimmten Wertpapiers, Portfolios oder Wertpapiere, Transaktion, Anlagestrategie oder sonstiger Angelegenheiten zu leisten. Sofern ein in den TraderPlanet-Services veröffentlichter Content als Anlageberatung oder Empfehlungen im Zusammenhang mit einem bestimmten Wertpapier angesehen werden kann, sind diese Inhalte unpersönlich und nicht auf die Anlagebedürfnisse einer bestimmten Person zugeschnitten. Sie verstehen, dass eine Anlage in ein Wertpapier oder ein Finanzinstrument einer Reihe von Risiken unterliegt und dass die Diskussion über die auf den TraderPlanet Services veröffentlichten Wertpapiere oder Finanzinstrumente keine Liste oder Beschreibung der relevanten Risikofaktoren enthält. Sie erkennen an, dass einige der Aktien, die auf den TraderPlanet Services diskutiert werden können, eine geringe Marktkapitalisierung oder einen unzureichenden öffentlichen Float aufweisen. Solche Bestände können mehr Risiken ausgesetzt sein als Aktien größerer Unternehmen, darunter größere Volatilität, niedrigere Liquidität und weniger öffentlich verfügbare Informationen. Marktzitate (einschließlich verspäteter oder Echtzeitdaten) und sonstiger Inhalte auf den TraderPlanet Services sowie Links zu anderen Websites dienen nur allgemeinen Informationszwecken und sind nicht als Anlageberatung zu verstehen. Sie verstehen, dass die TraderPlanet Services Meinungen von Zeit zu Zeit in Bezug auf Wertpapiere oder Finanzinstrumente enthalten, die sich von denen anderer TraderPlanet Services unterscheiden können und sich darauf einigen, dass die Mitwirkenden und Autoren (einschließlich unabhängiger Dritthersteller oder Lizenzgeber von TraderPlanet , TraderPlanet-Mitarbeiter und Vertragspartner sowie andere Mitglieder von TraderPlanet einschließlich Investoren und Blogger), die Inhalte bereitstellen, die auf den TraderPlanet Services veröffentlicht werden, können von Zeit zu Zeit Positionen in den Finanzinstrumenten halten, die zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens diskutiert wurden und für die sie handeln können Und dass sie einer Offenlegungspolitik unterliegen oder nicht. Darüber hinaus können bestimmte Content Contributors auf eigene Rechnung Handelsbeschränkungen unterliegen. Sie verstehen und stimmen zu, dass zum Zeitpunkt der Transaktion, die Sie tätigen, ein oder mehrere Content-Mitwirkende oder deren verbundene Unternehmen eine Position in den Finanzinstrumenten haben können, über die sie geschrieben wurden. Sie erkennen an, dass jegliche Vertrauenswürdigkeit oder Verwendung der Inhalte oder Produkte ausschließlich auf eigenes Risiko erfolgt. Sie sollten sich nicht nur auf den Inhalt oder die Produkte verlassen, wenn Sie irgendeine Investitions - oder Handelsentscheidung treffen. Vielmehr sollten Sie Ihre eigenen unabhängigen Forschung und Due Diligence, um Ihnen zu ermöglichen, Ihre eigene Meinung über Ihre Investitionen und Handelsentscheidungen zu bilden. Sie sollten immer diskutieren und Ihre Handelsstrategien und Entscheidungen mit Ihrem Broker oder anderen professionellen Berater überprüfen. Der Inhalt, der weder umfassend noch für jedermann geeignet ist, stammt aus Quellen, die von TraderPlanet als zuverlässig betrachtet werden, aber die Richtigkeit, Angemessenheit, Angemessenheit, Eignung, Gültigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Aktualität wird nicht garantiert, und der Inhalt wird ohne Rücksicht auf jeden einzelnen Investor oder Händler finanzielle Raffinesse, finanzielle Umstände, Risikokapital, Risikoneigung oder Toleranz oder investiert Zeithorizont zur Verfügung gestellt. Weder TraderPlanet noch seine leitenden Angestellten, Mitarbeiter, Vertreter, Vertreter oder unabhängigen Vertragspartner sind in solchen Kapazitäten eingetragene Anlageberater, lizenzierte Finanzberater, Rohstoffhandelsberater, eingetragene Broker oder Maklerhändler, noch sind sie im Geschäft mit Geschäften tätig Sie direkten Client-Rohstoff-Konten oder geben Rohstoffhandel Beratung auf eine bestimmte Kunden-Situation zugeschnitten. Vor der Ausführung von Wertpapieren, Rohstoffen, Optionen oder Forex Trades, sollten Sie immer mit Ihrem Broker oder andere Finanzberater konsultieren. TraderPlanet übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für die Bewertung der Vorzüge und Risiken, die mit der Nutzung von Inhalten oder Produkten auf den TraderPlanet Services oder mit anderen Mitteln verbunden sind. Sie allein sind für alle Investitionsentscheidungen, die Sie treffen, und für die Entscheidung, ob jegliche Investition, Sicherheit, Strategie oder Inhalte oder Produkte für Sie geeignet sind, aufgrund Ihrer Anlageziele und der persönlichen und finanziellen Situation allein verantwortlich. Benutzername, persönliche Daten gesammelt und Datenschutz. TraderPlanet verkauft keine personenbezogenen Daten an nicht verbundene Dritte, es sei denn, dass Sie vorher eine Erlaubnis erteilen, aber möglicherweise nichtöffentliche personenbezogene Daten über Sie als Nutzer oder ehemaliger Nutzer unserer TraderPlanet-Website an unsere Mitgliedsorganisationen übermitteln, wenn die Informationen erforderlich sind, damit der Affiliate Sie informieren kann Über Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, die TraderPlanet glaubt, von Interesse oder Nutzen für Sie sein kann. TraderPlanet behält sich das Recht vor, personenbezogene Daten in begrenzten Fällen offen zu legen, wenn sie glaubhaft daran glauben, dass die Offenlegung gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist, dass gesetzliche Verfahren wie ein Durchsuchungsbefehl, eine Vorladung oder ein Gerichtsbeschluss den Regulierungsbehörden oder den Strafverfolgungsbehörden entsprechen , Dienstleistungen zu erbringen, die Sie angefordert haben oder zum Schutz ihrer Rechte und Eigentum. Wir können Sie nicht verweigern, und Sie dürfen keinen Benutzernamen oder ein Kennwort verwenden, das bereits von einem anderen Mitglied verwendet wird, das als Identitätsdiebstahl eines anderen Benutzers ausgelegt werden kann, der zu einem anderen Mitglied gehört, das gegen das geistige Eigentum oder andere Rechte anderer verstößt Die von TraderPlanet reserviert ist oder die TraderPlanet nach eigenem Ermessen aus irgendeinem anderen Grund ablehnt. Unter Berücksichtigung der Nutzung der Password Protected Member Services erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, echte, akkurate, aktuelle und vollständige Informationen über sich selbst zur Verfügung zu stellen, die vom TraderPlanet Services-Registrierungsformular aufgefordert werden, und diese Informationen aufrechtzuerhalten und umgehend zu aktualisieren , Vollständig, aktuell und wahr. TraderPlanet hat das unwiderrufliche Recht, Ihren Status zu suspendieren oder zu beenden, falls TraderPlanet berechtigte Gründe hat, dass Ihre Informationen unwahr oder unrichtig, nicht aktuell oder unvollständig sind Als Mitglied und verweigert die gesamte oder zukünftige Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services (oder eines Teils davon) nach alleinigem und freiem Ermessen. Jegliche persönlich identifizierbaren Informationen unterliegen den Bestimmungen unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie. TraderPlanet ergreift angemessene Maßnahmen, um die Sicherheit der Password Protected Member Services zu gewährleisten, kann aber die absolute Sicherheit von Informationen oder Kommunikationen in solchen Password Protected Member Services nicht garantieren. Sie sind allein verantwortlich für die Aufrechterhaltung der Vertraulichkeit des Benutzernamens und Passwortes, das Ihre persönlichen Informationen umfasst, um den Zugriff auf Ihren Computer oder Ihr Mobilgerät zu beschränken, und ist für alle Handlungen, ob autorisiert oder unberechtigt, verantwortlich, die Ihrem Personal zuzurechnen sind Information. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass Sie für die Aufrechterhaltung der Sicherheit Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten verantwortlich sind und darüber hinaus, dass Maßnahmen oder Inhalte, die über Ihre personenbezogenen Daten veröffentlicht, hochgeladen oder übermittelt wurden, von Ihnen für den Zweck der Entstehung Ihrer Entschädigungsverpflichtung gelten. Die gleichzeitige Nutzung der TraderPlanet-Website durch mehrere Benutzer, die identische personenbezogene Daten verwenden, ist nicht zulässig oder eine andere Person oder Organisation kann Ihre persönlichen Daten verwenden oder freigeben, da es sich um Verstöße gegen diese Vereinbarung handelt und eine Aussetzung oder Kündigung Ihres Mitgliedsstatus zur Folge haben kann Vorherige Nachricht, in TraderPlanets alleinige Bestimmung. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass Sie TraderPlanet unverzüglich über jede unbefugte Verwendung Ihrer persönlichen Informationen informieren oder wenn Sie Grund zu der Annahme haben, dass Ihre Kontosicherheit aus irgendeinem Grund verletzt worden ist, um eine mögliche Haftung für unberechtigte Gebühren für Ihr Konto oder eine unberechtigte Verwendung von Belohnungen zu vermeiden Oder Gutschriften, die Sie als Teil Ihrer Teilnahme an einem der TraderPlanets-Prämienprogramme (Prämienprogramm) erworben haben und dass Sie sich am Ende jeder Sitzung von TraderPlanet Services abmelden, um Betrügereien auf Ihrem Konto durch Dritte zu verhindern. TraderPlanet behält sich das Recht vor, Ihr Konto jederzeit mit oder ohne Mitteilung an Sie zu sperren oder zu kündigen, um sich und seine verbundenen Unternehmen vor dem zu schützen, was er für betrügerische Aktivitäten hält. Nutzungsbeschränkungen und Offenlegung. Die TraderPlanet Services sind für den persönlichen Gebrauch von Besuchern und Mitgliedern bestimmt und dürfen nicht in Verbindung mit kommerziellen Bemühungen verwendet werden, außer denen, die spezifisch von TraderPlanet schriftlich genehmigt oder genehmigt wurden. Unzulässige und unberechtigte Nutzung der TraderPlanet-Dienste, einschließlich des Sammelns von Benutzernamen und / oder E-Mail-Adressen von Mitgliedern auf elektronischem Wege oder auf andere Weise zum Zwecke der Versendung unerwünschter E-Mails oder unerlaubter Rahmung oder Verlinkung der TraderPlanet-Website ist verboten. Sofern nicht ausdrücklich schriftlich von TraderPlanet anders vereinbart, sind Sie nicht berechtigt, unsere Nutzer mit jeglichen kommerziellen Angeboten zu bewerben oder Ihr Unternehmen durch öffentliche Posts, private Nachrichten, Mitgliedsprofile oder Dateianlagen zu bewerben. Dies umfasst unter anderem die Veröffentlichung Ihrer Telefon - oder Faxnummer (n) und die Veröffentlichung von URLs oder Hyperlinks zu Ihren kommerziellen Websites oder E-Mail-Konten. Sie sind nicht berechtigt, eine Anzeige auf Ihrem Mitgliedsprofil anzuzeigen oder die Zahlung oder irgendetwas von Wert von einer dritten Person im Austausch für Ihre Durchführung einer kommerziellen Tätigkeit auf oder durch die TraderPlanet-Dienste im Namen dieser Person zu akzeptieren, wie z. B. das Platzieren von kommerziellen Inhalten auf Ihrem Mitglied Profil, Veröffentlichung von Blogs oder Bulletins mit einem kommerziellen Zweck, Auswählen eines Mitgliedsprofils mit einem kommerziellen Zweck als einer Ihrer besten Freunde oder Senden von privaten Nachrichten mit einem kommerziellen Zweck. Die Buchung erfolgt nur für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke und Sie dürfen keine Buchungen abgeben, die Werbung oder Einnahmen für ein Unternehmen oder eine gewerbliche Tätigkeit zu fördern oder zu erbringen beabsichtigen, ohne vorher die von TraderPlanet festgesetzte Gebühr zu bezahlen und die Regeln und Bedingungen für diese Buchungen einzuhalten . Ohne vorherige Ankündigung können nicht autorisierte Werbespots, Affiliate-Links und andere Formen der Aufforderung aus Mitgliedsprofilen oder Beiträgen entfernt werden und können zur Kündigung von Mitgliedschaftsrechten führen. Für unberechtigte oder illegale Nutzung der TraderPlanet Services wird eine angemessene Klage erhoben. Sie können im Speicher Ihres Computers speichern und Sie können die Inhalte für Ihre persönlichen, nicht kommerziellen Zwecke analysieren, neu formatieren, anzeigen und drucken, vorausgesetzt, Sie halten alle Urheberrechts-, Rechts - und sonstigen Eigentumshinweise unberührt. Sie dürfen keine Datenminen, Roboter oder beliebige derartige automatisierte Datenerfassungs - und Extrahierungswerkzeuge auf dem Content verwenden oder einen Teil des Inhalts überspielen oder spiegeln. 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Sofern nicht ausdrücklich durch dieses Abkommen oder durch das anwendbare Recht gestattet, dürfen Sie keine Teile des Inhalts in einem von Menschen lesbaren Formular dekompilieren, zurückentwickeln, auseinanderbauen, auseinanderbauen oder verkleinern, um den in den TraderPlanet Services enthaltenen Quellcode zu entdecken Einen anderen Grund, oder versuchen, eine der oben genannten zu tun. In Übereinstimmung mit den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Rechten können Sie einen Teil des Inhalts dekompilieren und diesen dekompilierten Teil verwenden, wenn und nur soweit eine solche Dekompilierung erforderlich ist, um den Inhalt zu erhalten, der für ein eigenständig erstelltes Programm erforderlich ist, damit es mit dem Internet kompatibel ist Relevanten Teile des Inhalts oder eines anderen Programms, und der so erhaltene Inhalt darf nicht für einen anderen Zweck verwendet werden, vorausgesetzt, dass Sie diese Inhalte vor der Dekompilierung schriftlich an TraderPlanet angefordert haben. Sie dürfen Sicherheits-, Digital Rights Management-, Nutzungsregeln oder andere technologische Merkmale, Maßnahmen oder Mechanismen der TraderPlanet Services nicht verhindern oder deaktivieren, um die unbefugte Nutzung, Reproduktion oder Verbreitung der Inhalte zu verhindern oder jegliche Urheberrechts-, Marken - oder sonstigen Eigentumsrechte zu entfernen Rechte aus dem Inhalt. Sie können keine Abstracts erstellen, die auf der TraderPlanet-Website in Newsgroups, E-Mail-Listen oder andere veröffentlichen, ob es sich dabei um ganz oder teilweise darum geht, oder um Schlagzeilen oder Ausschnitte daraus zu machen Webseiten oder elektronischen oder Online-Bulletin Boards, Message Boards, Chatrooms, Intranets, Newsletters oder auf sonstige Weise ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung von TraderPlanets. Die Nutzung oder Verteilung der Inhalte, mit Ausnahme derjenigen von Mitgliedsinhalten, die Sie auf der TraderPlanet-Website für irgendeinen anderen Zweck als Ihre persönliche, nicht kommerzielle Nutzung veröffentlicht haben, ist eine Verletzung von Urheberrechten und anderen Eigentumsrechten von TraderPlanets und kann Sie unterwerfen Gesetzliche Haftung. Titel. Der Lizenznehmer erkennt an, dass alle Eigentums - und Eigentumsrechte an dieser Vereinbarung und anderen schriftlichen, bildlichen und grafischen Materialien, einschließlich aller Inhalte auf der TraderPlanet-Website und in den TraderPlanet Services und jeglichen Teilen oder Komponenten davon, einschließlich, ohne Einschränkung, alle abgeleiteten Werke, Anpassungen , Erweiterungen, Änderungen, Verbesserungen, Ableitungen oder andere Änderungen daran und alle zugrunde liegenden Patent-, Urheber-, Handelsgeheimnisse, Marken - und andere Rechte an geistigem Eigentum sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Eigentümer und vollständig geschützt durch US-amerikanische und internationale Urheberrechts-, Marken-, Patent - und Geschäftsgeheimnisse , Internationale Verträge, Gesetze und sonstige Eigentumsrechte sowie Sicherheitsbestandteile, die digitale Informationen nur dann schützen, wenn sie von TraderPlanet oder dem Eigentümer des Contents autorisiert sind. Der Lizenznehmer erlangt keine Rechte an der TraderPlanet Website oder TraderPlanet Services oder einem Teil oder Bestandteil davon aufgrund dieses Vertrages. TraderPlanet behält den gesamten Titel und alle Rechte an geistigem Eigentum an und auf der TraderPlanet-Website und in allen TraderPlanet-Inhalten, die auf der TraderPlanet-Website und in den TraderPlanet-Services enthalten sind und gemäß dieser Vereinbarung lizenziert sind. TraderPlanet Lizenzgeber behalten alle Eigentumsrechte an sämtlichen Rechten an geistigem Eigentum an und an den Lizenzgeber-Inhalten, die auf der TraderPlanet-Website und in den TraderPlanet-Services enthalten sind und gemäß dieser Vereinbarung lizenziert sind. TraderPlanet0153 ist eine Marke und eine Dienstmarke von TraderPlanet. Alle anderen Marken, Dienstleistungsmarken und Logos, die auf der TraderPlanet-Website verwendet werden, sind Warenzeichen, Dienstleistungsmarken oder Logos der jeweiligen Eigentümer. Datenschutz. TraderPlanet respektiert die Privatsphäre der Benutzer. TraderPlanet sammelt bei der Abwicklung der TraderPlanet Services Informationen durch Bestellformulare, Feedback-Formulare, Online-Umfragen, unerwünschte E-Mails, Blogs, Cookies und andere Kommunikationen. TraderPlanet verkauft keine Informationen oder Daten, die sie über die TraderPlanet-Dienste erhält, ohne vorherige Zustimmung der Drittpersonen. Alle Informationen sind ausschließlich für die Nutzung durch TraderPlanet und seine Tochtergesellschaften bestimmt. TraderPlanet sammelt auch allgemeine Informationen über die TraderPlanet Services-Nutzung, einschließlich Statistiken über Treffer, einmalige Besuche, Wiederholungsbesuche und Seitenaufrufe. Diese Informationen ermöglichen TraderPlanet, die TraderPlanet Services zum Nutzen aller Nutzer zu verbessern und darüber hinaus Werbetreibende und potenzielle Werbetreibende über die demografischen Entwicklungen auf den TraderPlanet Services auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Werbetreibende werden niemals mit Ihren persönlichen Präferenzen oder Kontaktinformationen versorgt, sofern Sie nicht vorher eine Erlaubnis erteilen. TraderPlanet ist mit einer Reihe von anderen Unternehmen in der Finanzbranche und im Internet durch Content Sharing und Lizenzvereinbarungen und mit Market Technologies, LLC durch gemeinsames Eigentum verbunden. Informationen, die über die TraderPlanet-Website gesammelt werden, gelten als Handelsgeheimnis von TraderPlanet. Als Eigentümer dieser Informationen kann TraderPlanet diese Informationen im Zusammenhang mit dem Verkauf des Unternehmens oder eines Teils seines Vermögens an Dritte weitergeben oder verkaufen. Ausrüstung und Zugangskosten. Sie erkennen an und stimmen zu, dass Sie auf eigene Kosten a) die Geräte, Dienste und Internetverbindungen bereitstellen müssen, die Sie auf die TraderPlanet-Website und die TraderPlanet-Dienste einschließlich aller Drittgebühren (einschließlich Sendezeit und WLAN) zugreifen und verwenden müssen Wenn Sie über eine drahtlose Anwendung auf die TraderPlanet-Dienste zugreifen) und die damit verbundenen Steuern und (b) sämtliche für Sie notwendigen Geräte, einschließlich Computer, Software, Modem, Telefon oder Die für die Verbindung und den Zugriff auf die TraderPlanet-Website und TraderPlanet Services erforderlich sind. Wenn Sie sich für die Nutzung von TraderPlanet-Mobilanwendungen registrieren, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir mit Ihnen über TraderPlanet per SMS, MMS, SMS oder andere elektronische Mittel auf Ihr Mobilgerät kommunizieren können und dass bestimmte Informationen über Ihre Nutzung der mobilen Dienste mitgeteilt werden können uns. Neither TraderPlanet nor its licensors shall have any responsibility to provide You with alternate access to the TraderPlanet Website if your access is interrupted due to a breakdown or failure of your equipment. You acknowledge that You are responsible for setting the cache settings on your browser to ensure you are receiving the most recent information when you access the TraderPlanet Services. Member Conduct and Rules of Behavior. TraderPlanet may make available to You and other Users of the TraderPlanet Website, message boards, opinion forums, bulletin board services, blogs and other interactive communication facilities, and permit Members to submit, post, transmit andor exchange Member Content in the form of content, ideas, images, video, opinions, photographs, creative works and other content, blog entries, messages, profiles, classified advertisements, communications, or material, which become incorporated into the Content available on the TraderPlanet Services. Each Member providing Member Content is solely responsible for the content thereof. This means that You, and not TraderPlanet, are solely and entirely responsible for all Member Content that you post, upload, email or otherwise transmit to the TraderPlanet Services or send to TraderPlanet by any other means. You represent and warrant that: You own the Member Content posted by You on or through the TraderPlanet Services or otherwise have all rights necessary to grant the license set forth in this section. Your Member Content does not violate or infringe the rights of others, including privacy or publicity rights of others copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary rights of any party contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as confidential or proprietary information learned or disclosed through employment relationships or subject to non-disclosure agreements or learned in violation of law). Your Member Content does not disclose material, non-public information about any company does not intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international laws or regulations, including without limitation the U. S. laws and regulations of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission and national or other securities exchanges, including rules against making false or misleading statements to manipulate the price of a security. You agree to review information available by the SEC regarding prohibitions against insider trading at sec. govanswersinsider. htm. You will not interfere with, restrict or inhibit any other person or entitys use and enjoyment of the TraderPlanet Services stalk or harass others promote or provide instructions about illegal activities promote physical harm or injury to others promote animal cruelty harm minors in any way promote terrorism (including without limitation providing information on how to assemble weapons, bombs, grenades and other destructive devices) use the blogs or forums made available through TraderPlanet Services as a forwarding service to another website. Your Member Content is not fraudulent libelous invasive of anothers privacy (including, but not limited to any information without the written consent of the owner of such information) tortuous deceptive deceitful false misleading lacks factual basis offers guarantees of future performance of any financial instrument defamatory vulgar discriminatory mis-informative indecent obscene pornographic profane lascivious degrading abusive harassing threatening intimidating discourteous or not constructive impolite crude harmful or otherwise objectionable information of any kind or nature that constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law. You are at least 18 years old, and agree not to transmit or post any postings or to participate in the TraderPlanet Services in any way that encourages, promotes or provides instructional activities about illegal activities, in particular hacking, cracking, phreaking and piracy of copyrighted work (whether marked as such or not). You agree to pay for all royalties, fees, and any other monies owing any person by reason of any Member Content posted by You to or through the TraderPlanet Services, and You further irrevocably waive any quotmoral rightsquot or other rights with respect to attribution of authorship or integrity of materials regarding each posting that You may have under any applicable law under any legal theory. You agree to and hereby automatically grant, and represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, TraderPlanet an irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, royalty-free, fully sub-licensable, fully-paid, world-wide license to use, copy, publicly perform, sub-license, digitally perform, publicly display, adapt, translate, modify, edit, copy, reformat, transmit, reproduce, publish, create derivative works from, and otherwise distribute worldwide all material, information or ideas that You transmit to the TraderPlanet Website by any means, including by uploading files, inputting data, posting content to any public area of the TraderPlanet Services, submitting information or engaging in any other form of communications on or through the TraderPlanet Services, by direct contact with TraderPlanet either by email or otherwise, as part of the Content in any form of media or technology, now known or later invented, devised or developed, in any way for any purpose whatsoever (including but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products or services, communications, advertising, or otherwise) and by any means it sees fit in its sole discretion (without compensation or liability to You or any party), and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such posting, including any ideas, concepts, know-how, trading plans, strategies, or techniques contained in the posting that You provide to TraderPlanet directly, or through the TraderPlanet Services, and to grant and authorize sub-licenses (through multiple tiers) of the foregoing. Additionally, by submitting Member Content to the TraderPlanet Services, You permit anyone to copy, distribute, display and perform your Content, royalty-free, on the condition that they credit your authorship each time they do so. All Member Content that You submit or post to TraderPlanet Services may be syndicated by TraderPlanet for RSS aggregation. Furthermore, by posting Member Content to the TraderPlanet Services, You automatically grant TraderPlanet all rights necessary to prohibit any subsequent aggregation, display, copying, duplication, reproduction, or exploitation of the postings on the TraderPlanet Services by any party for any purpose. You also agree: (a) to comply with United States law regarding the transmission of software andor technical data exported from the United States through the TraderPlanet Services (b) not to use the TraderPlanet Services for illegal purposes (c) not to use the TraderPlanet Services in a manner that threatens its integrity, performance, or availability (d) not to remove, alter, or obscure any proprietary notices (including copyright notices) on any portion of the TraderPlanet Website or Content (e) not to interfere with or disrupt networks connected to the TraderPlanet Services and (f) to comply with all regulations, policies and procedures of networks connected to the TraderPlanet Services. TraderPlanet will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing TraderPlanet to disclose the identity of anyone posting such materials. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the TraderPlanet Services, including your Content, may involve (a) transmissions over various networks, and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. The TraderPlanet Services makes use of the Internet to send and receive information. Therefore, your conduct is subject to Internet regulations, policies and procedures. You agree not to use the TraderPlanet Services or any communications tools related to the TraderPlanet Services to: (a) harvest information about any other Users of the TraderPlanet Services (b) post or transmit, directly or indirectly, any advertisements, chain letters, unsolicited bulk communications (including emails and instant messages), affiliate marketing, junk mail, any forms of solicitations, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities, spamming, any form of gambling, flooding or any unsolicited commercial advertisements or communications (such as promoting a site with inappropriate, inaccurate or misleading links, titles, or descriptions or by posting submissions in public forums or in blogs or threads except as otherwise expressly permitted by TraderPlanet) (c) impersonate any other person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any other person or entity (d) use or launch automated means or systems, including without limitation spiders, crawlers, scrapers, data mining tools, robots, sitesearch retrieval applications, offline readers or other manual or automated means to access, retrieve, index, data mine, or download Content or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational presentation or structure of the TraderPlanet Website or its Contents (e) use automated posting devices to submit postings in bulk or for automatic submission of postings at regular intervals, or flagging tools (including automated devices or computer programs) to interfere with the intended functioning of the TraderPlanet Services (f) engage in disruptive activities on the TraderPlanet Services (g) resell, redistribute, broadcast or transfer any material or information or use the Content derived from the TraderPlanet Services in a searchable, machine-readable database, employ misleading email addresses, forged headers or otherwise manipulated identifiers for the purpose of disguising the origin of Content transmitted through the TraderPlanet Services (h) use the TraderPlanet Services to collect personally identifying information about Users of the TraderPlanet Services in violation of our Privacy Policy (i) disguise a file type to thwart TraderPlanets detection processes (j) post or transmit any information or software that contains excessive use of scripts, sound waves, Easter eggs, time bombs, scrolling, a worm, virus, bots, spyware, Trojan horse or any other computer code, harmful component, files or programs that disrupt, overburden, impair, destroy, detrimentally interfere with, damage, hijack the operation of, interrupt, limit the functionality of, or monitor the use of, any computer hardware or software, servers or networks, or telecommunications equipment that surreptitiously intercepts or expropriates any system, data or personal information that damages or obtains unauthorized access to any data or other information of any third party or that otherwise permits the unauthorized use of a computer or access to our computer network or Member Accounts (k) to post Content to the TraderPlanet Services utilizing any third-party posting agent (Posting Agent) without the express prior written permission from TraderPlanet. Monitoring Violations. TraderPlanet has no duty to monitor, pre-screen or edit any postings prior to becoming part of the Content, but does have the right, in its sole discretion, to review, refuse to post, to reject, shorten, edit or modify any submitted postings. Additionally, TraderPlanet reserves the right to remove or delete any Content from its TraderPlanet Services (including private messages) for any or no reason at any time, but shall not be responsible for its failure or delay in removing any such Content. You acknowledge and agree that TraderPlanet may preserve Content on the TraderPlanet Website and may also disclose Content if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process (b) enforce this Agreement (c) respond to claims that any Content violates the rights of third-parties or (d) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of TraderPlanet, and its parent members directors employees agents consultants analysts representatives data, content or service providers distributors suppliers partners resellers affiliates co-branding Content providers subsidiaries licensors successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively, the quotTraderPlanet Indemnitiesquot), TraderPlanet Users or the public. TraderPlanet assumes no responsibility for the deletion or failure to store information submitted by You for posting into its TraderPlanet Services. TraderPlanet retains the right, at its sole discretion, to determine whether or not your conduct is consistent with the intention of the TraderPlanet Services and may elect not to post your postings for any reason at any time in its sole discretion. TraderPlanet reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without any obligation, to change, alter, delete, delay, modify, make improvements to, correct any errors or omissions in, discontinue, restrict usage of or access to, or terminate any Users right to use, any aspect or part of the TraderPlanet Services, at any time for any reason in TraderPlanets sole discretion and without prior notice or liability. TraderPlanet reserves the right to refuse to post, reject, alter, edit or remove any postings (including private messages), Content, information or materials, in whole or in part, at any time for any reason, that in TraderPlanets sole and absolute discretion are objectionable or in violation of this Agreement, but is not responsible for any failure or delay in editing or removing such postings, Content, information or materials. TraderPlanet shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding submitted information, except as specifically required by law. Your private messages may be accessed at any time for the purposes of website administration, legal inquiries, or investigating your account for violations of this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that TraderPlanet retains the right to disclose any postings that You submitted to the TraderPlanet Services as necessary or appropriate to satisfy any law, regulation or other governmental request, and to operate the TraderPlanet Services as TraderPlanet sees fit in its sole discretion. TraderPlanet will not intentionally monitor or disclose any private electronic-mail message unless required by law, but reserves the right to refuse to post any information, content, materials or blog entries, in whole or in part, that, in its sole discretion, are considered unacceptable, offensive, undesirable, inappropriate or in violation of this Agreement in any manner. Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, TraderPlanet does not endorse any Content in any way. If You become aware of misuse of the TraderPlanet Services by any person, please contact TraderPlanet or click on the Notify Planet Patrol link on any TraderPlanet Members personal Block page. Use of the TraderPlanet Services constitutes consent to such monitoring. In using the TraderPlanet Services or receiving e-mail messages from other Members, You should not assume that such messages have been reviewed or approved by TraderPlanet, that such messages or postings contain correct information, or that the Members posting such information have accurately identified themselves andor their affiliation with any third party person or entity. Viruses. TraderPlanet does not guarantee that files available for downloading through the TraderPlanet Website will be free of infection or viruses or other code that may have contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and routines that satisfy your particular requirements for integrity, security and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the TraderPlanet Website for the reconstruction of any lost data. Subscriber Services and Corporate Members. TraderPlanet reserves the right to impose fees quoted in U. S. Dollars (which may be billed either on a pay-per-usage basis or in regular time increments, i. e. either monthly or yearly) or other conditions or prerequisites for the use of or access to areas of the TraderPlanet Services or certain Content (hereinafter Subscriber Services), and for Members which are business entities, which have registered their Company Profile to signify themselves as corporate members (Corporate Members) of the TraderPlanet Website, which allow such Corporate Members to use the TraderPlanet Services and to create customized corporate profiles in accordance with TraderPlanets corporate membership program which is incorporated herein by reference. All fees paid will be non-refundable in the event that You violate any of the terms of this Agreement. Subscriber Services may include terms and conditions that supplement this Agreement. By accessing any Subscriber Services You agree to comply with their terms and conditions. Rules for Contests, Sweepstakes, Raffles and Promotions. TraderPlanet may, from time to time, and at its sole discretion, offer its Members a reward program (Reward Program) comprised of various rewards or credits (including financial rewards) based on their activities on the TraderPlanet Website and use of the TraderPlanet Services. Any such Reward Program comes with no contractual obligations whatsoever on behalf of any party and is purely a voluntary, promotional Reward Program that TraderPlanet may decide, at its sole discretion, to offer to or withhold from certain Members, and Members will be free to accept or decline as they see fit. The criteria for selection of rewards or credits may be changed and the size of the rewards or credits comprising any Reward Program (including the monetary value of Mendels that are either credited to You through your use of the TraderPlanet Services or acquired by You for financial consideration as determined by TraderPlanet in its sole discretion) may be changed or modified, or the rewards may be terminated or withdrawn, at any time, by TraderPlanet, in its sole discretion, without prior notice. Members who fail to abide by this Agreement, or otherwise engage in behavior deemed inappropriate by TraderPlanet in its sole discretion may be, at TraderPlanets sole discretion, disqualified from participation in any Rewards Program or promotions andor banned from the TraderPlanet Website without prior notice. All applicable taxes, if any, that may result from Members choosing to accept financial rewards from TraderPlanet are the sole responsibility of the Members. In addition to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, any contests, charity functions, Reward Programs, credits or other promotions (including trading contests, sweepstakes, raffles) (collectively, quotPromotionsquot) made available through the TraderPlanet Website or TraderPlanet Services may be governed by specific terms and conditions that are separate from this Agreement. You should review the specific terms and conditions for a particular Promotion to determine whether or not You are eligible to participate in such Promotion. By participating in any such Promotion, You will become subject to any specific terms and conditions applicable to such Promotion, which may vary from the terms and conditions set forth herein. To the extent that the terms and conditions of any such Promotion conflict with this Agreement, the terms and conditions of such Promotion shall control. Liability for Unauthorized Use or Disclosure. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, its breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, including but not limited to any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Content, will diminish the value of TraderPlanet and the TraderPlanet Services and will cause irreparable and continuing damage to TraderPlanet for which an adequate legal remedy will not exist. Accordingly, Licensee stipulates that, if it breaches any of its covenants in this Agreement, TraderPlanet will be entitled to an entry of a court order granting specific performance or injunctive relief, without requirement of a bond or proof of monetary damage or an inadequate remedy at law, to protect its rights under this Agreement, in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity. Violation of Terms and Liquidated Damages. You understand and agree that, because damages are often difficult to quantify, if it becomes necessary for TraderPlanet to pursue legal action to enforce this Agreement, your access to the TraderPlanet Website and the TraderPlanet Services will be terminated in TraderPlanets sole determination, You will forfeit any credits that you had previously accrued in your Member Account through your prior participation in any Promotions, and You will be liable to pay TraderPlanet the following amounts as liquidated damages, which you accept as reasonable estimates of TraderPlanets damages for the specified breaches of these Terms and Conditions: a. If You post a message or content that (1) impersonates any person or entity (2) falsely states or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity or (3) that includes personal or identifying information about another person without that persons explicit consent, You agree to pay TraderPlanet one thousand dollars (1,000.00) for each such posting. This provision does not apply to Content that constitutes lawful non-deceptive parody of public figures. B. If TraderPlanet establishes limits on the frequency with which You may access the TraderPlanet Services, or terminates your access to or use of the TraderPlanet Services, You agree to pay TraderPlanet one hundred dollars (100.00) for each message posted in excess of such limits or for each day that You access TraderPlanet in excess of such limits, whichever is greater. C. If You send unsolicited email advertisements to TraderPlanet email addresses or through TraderPlanets servers or computer systems, You agree to pay TraderPlanet fifty dollars (50.00) for each such email. D. If you post Content in violation of this Agreement, other than as described above, You agree to pay TraderPlanet one hundred dollars (100.00) for each Item of Content posted. In its sole discretion, TraderPlanet may elect to issue a warning before assessing damages. D. h. If You are a Posting Agent and use the TraderPlanet Services in violation of this Agreement, in addition to any liquidated damages under clause (d), You agree to pay TraderPlanet one hundred dollars (100.00) for each and every Item You post in violation of this Agreement. A Posting Agent will also be deemed an agent of the party engaging the Posting Agent to access the TraderPlanet Services (the quotPrincipal Partyquot), and the Principal Party (by engaging the Posting Agent in violation of this Agreement) agrees to pay TraderPlanet an additional one hundred dollars (100.00) for each Item posted by the Posting Agent on behalf of the Principal Party in violation of this Agreement. F. If You aggregate, display, copy, duplicate, reproduce, or otherwise exploit for any purpose any Content (except for your own Content) in violation of this Agreement without TraderPlanets prior, express written permission, You agree to pay TraderPlanet three thousand dollars (3,000.00) for each day that You engage in such conduct. You hereby agree that such damages are a reasonable estimate of actual damages and You waive your right to contest these damages in a court of law or other proceeding. Otherwise, You agree to pay TraderPlanets actual damages, to the extent such actual damages can be reasonably determined. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, TraderPlanet retains the right to seek the remedy of specific performance of any term contained in this Agreement, or a preliminary or permanent injunction against the breach of any such term or in aid of the exercise of any power granted in this Agreement, or any combination thereof. Limitations of Liability. TraderPlanet Indemnities are not responsible for any actions taken by You based upon your use of any of the Content or Products on the TraderPlanet Services including those Products (hereinafter Third Party Services) offered by third parties on the TraderPlanet Website and by way of links and pointers from the TraderPlanet Website to Internet websites, directories, servers, systems, information and databases, software, applications, networks, programs, and the Internet as a whole which are maintained by third parties (hereinafter Third Party Resources), and assume no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage of any kind including your trading and investment results incurred as a result of your use of any Content posted, transmitted or otherwise made available via the TraderPlanet Services or from any merchant (Merchant) that You conduct business with on the TraderPlanet Website or through the TraderPlanet Services. The TraderPlanet Indemnities may hold positions or interests in any of the markets discussed on the TraderPlanet Services. The TraderPlanet Indemnities shall not be responsible or liable to You or other third parties for the truth, accuracy, correctness, profitability, quality, reliability, adequacy, security, performance, completeness or timeliness of, or otherwise endorse in any manner, the opinions, views, postings, blog entries, market data, comments, or recommendations expressed in the Content, or otherwise for the Content provided or for errors, mistakes, misinterpretation of, or omissions therein or for any delays or interruptions of the Content presented on the TraderPlanet Services, whether caused by any User of the TraderPlanet Services or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the TraderPlanet Services, or for whatever cause. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold the TraderPlanet Indemnities harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your submission of postings through the TraderPlanet Services or the placement or transmission of any message, information, software or other materials through the TraderPlanet Services by You or users of your computer or related to any violation of this Agreement by You or users of your computer, or the infringement by You or others who use the TraderPlanet Services using your computer, of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity. TraderPlanet reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by You, in which event You will cooperate with us in asserting any available defenses. The TraderPlanet Indemnities will not be liable, either jointly or severally, to You or to other third parties as a result of your use of the TraderPlanet Services for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary or other damages of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, lost profits, loss of data or other intangible losses, loss of use, computer failure or malfunction, lost savings and lost revenues, trading losses or other harm (collectively, the Excluded Damages) arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement or your use of, or your inability to use, the TraderPlanet Website or TraderPlanet Services, caused by any delays in or failure of performance, misdelivery or nondelivery of information, inaccuracies, errors, security, omissions, software bugs, deletion, delay in transmission or operation, defect, interruption, failure to store any Content maintained or transmitted by the TraderPlanet Services, communications line failure, modification, suspension, alteration, interruption, electronic failures, mechanical equipment failures, termination or discontinuance, file corruption, network or system outage, theft, destruction, computer or internet viruses or other harmful components, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, any User or Member communication in connection with the TraderPlanet Website or TraderPlanet Services. The TraderPlanet Indemnities neither endorse nor are responsible for any trading strategy, opinion, advice, information, profiles, communications, classified advertisements, or statements comprising the postings by You or third parties. You understand that by using the TraderPlanet Services, You may be exposed to information that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable. Under no circumstances will the TraderPlanet Indemnities be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, liability for any errors or omissions in any Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, e-mailed, or otherwise transmitted by way of the TraderPlanet Services or by any other means. The opinions expressed in the Content reflect solely the opinions of the party who submitted such opinions, and may not reflect the opinions of TraderPlanet. You acknowledge and agree that the TraderPlanet Indemnities neither endorse the contents of any postings that become part of the Content nor assume responsibility for any threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, abusive, defamatory, illegal, indecent, inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent, pornographic, profane or otherwise objectionable or offensive material or information of any kind contained therein, any infringement of third party intellectual property rights arising therefrom or any crime facilitated thereby. TraderPlanet has no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or availability of content or information provided in the postings which become part of the Content. You specifically acknowledge and agree that the TraderPlanet Indemnities shall not be liable for any offensive, illegal or defamatory conduct of any User of the TraderPlanet Services and that the TraderPlanet Indemnities shall have no responsibility for the accuracy, suitability, timeliness, completeness, legality, correct sequencing, reliability, quality, security, appropriateness or availability of any Content or Products displayed on the TraderPlanet Services, including Third Party Services offered on the TraderPlanet Website or available on Third Party Resources, including links provided as automated search results nor for any loss or damages caused or alleged to have been caused by the use of or reliance on any such content. The links on the TraderPlanet Services may provide You with access to other websites including Third Party Resources where the trading of securities, commodities, futures, options andor Forex is possible. TraderPlanet Indemnities shall not be responsible or liable with regard to any trading which may be conducted on such websites which may be linked to or from the TraderPlanet Services. If any applicable authority holds any portion of this section of this Agreement to be unenforceable, then the liability of the TraderPlanet Indemnities will be limited to the fullest possible extent permitted by applicable law. You agree that this paragraph constitutes a conspicuous legend. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the TraderPlanet Indemnities disclaim any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, or recommendations on the TraderPlanet Services are inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable or result in any investment or other losses. Links to Third Party Resources Advertisers not Endorsed. TraderPlanet encourages You to exercise discretion while using the TraderPlanet Services, as well as browsing Third Party Resources on the Internet after clicking on hyperlinks placed on the TraderPlanet Services, including links from profiles created and posted by Members, since hyperlinks may direct You to Third Party Resources containing information or advertisements that are inappropriate to your investment and trading needs and capabilities, inaccurate, objectionable or unlawful. TraderPlanet takes no responsibility for claims or representations made by third party advertisers and sponsors, which are posted on the TraderPlanet Website or available through the TraderPlanet Services, nor does it assume any responsibility for the Products offered by its advertisers. TraderPlanet does not control, endorse or sponsor the Third Party Resources, their owners or operators, and is not responsible for the privacy practices or security of these sites, nor has it reviewed or approved any Products, information, advertising, content, or opinions that appear on such Third Party Resources, and such Third Party Resources are in no way investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy or completeness by TraderPlanet. When You access these Third Party Resources, You do so at your own risk. Links to Third Party Resources may be discontinued at any time without notice. Business Conducted with Merchants. If You purchase Products on or through the TraderPlanet Services (including from Third Party Resources), You may be asked to supply certain information, including credit card or other payment mechanism information. You agree that all such information You provide to any parties including other Members through the TraderPlanet Services or through Third Party Resources will be accurate, complete and current. The Merchants set their own prices and may change prices or institute new prices at any time. You agree to pay all charges incurred by users of your account and credit card or other payment mechanism at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred. You also will be responsible for paying any applicable taxes relating to purchases through the TraderPlanet Services. Your correspondence or business dealings with, or participation in promotions of, Merchants found on or through the TraderPlanet Services (including those found on Third Party Resources), including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between You and such Merchant and You acknowledge and agree that TraderPlanet is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss, damage or claim of any sort including the misuse of any Personal Information or data submitted by You to an advertiser on the TraderPlanet Website or Third Party Resources, caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with any such dealings by You with Merchants or your use of or reliance on Third Party Services available on the TraderPlanet Services or on Third Party Resources. If there is a dispute between You and any third party (including, without limitation, any Member or Merchant), TraderPlanet is under no obligation to become involved however, We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor disputes between You and other Members or Merchants. Speculative Nature. Licensee acknowledges and understands the speculative nature of the commodities futures and financial markets and recognizes the high degree of risk involved in participating in such markets, with or without the access to and use of the TraderPlanet Services. Licensee also acknowledges that the Content or Products furnished by TraderPlanet through the TraderPlanet Services or by any other means is not intended to replace Licensees individual research or receipt of professional investment advice, and that the provision of Content or Products on the TraderPlanet Services or by any other means does not constitute the provision of trading advice or an endorsement or recommendation by TraderPlanet of any trading methods, programs, systems, or routines, based on, or tailored to, any positions or other circumstances or characteristics of Licensee or anyone else, or otherwise. Licensee further acknowledges that individual performance in the financial markets depends upon individual skills and experience at performing technical, fundamental and intermarket analysis, knowledge of and familiarity with the markets, effectiveness of individual decision making and decisiveness, and time availability to devote to analyzing and trading the markets. TraderPlanet MAKES NO GUARANATEE OF PERFORMANCE EITHER IN THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR GUARANTEES THAT LICENSEE WILL MAKE PROFITS ANDOR NOT SUFFER ANY LOSSES FROM TRADING BASED ON, OR IN RELIANCE ON, THE TraderPlanet SERVICES OR THE USE THEREOF. LICENSEE ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE HIS OR ITS OWN TRADING DECISIONS INVOLVING ENTRIES, EXITS, AND STOP PLACEMENTS, BASED UPON HIS OR ITS OWN ASSESSMENT OF HIS OR ITS TRADING STYLE, OBJECTIVES, RISK PROPENSITY, RISK CAPITAL, EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE AS A TRADER ALL OF WHICH CAN INFLUENCE LICENSEES TRADING RESULTS SUCH THAT HIS OR ITS PERFORMANCE RESULTS MAY BE BETTER OR WORSE THAN THAT OF OTHER TRADERS INCLUDING THOSE WHO MAY ALSO BE ACCESSING AND USING THE TraderPlanet SERVICES AT THE SAME TIME. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE TraderPlanet INDEMNITIES RESPONSIBLE FOR LICENSEES TRADING RESULTS OR PERFORMANCE BASED UPON THE TRADING DECISIONS THAT LICENSEE MAKES. FURTHERMORE, IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW. LICENSEE AGREES THAT NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE OR HAS BEEN MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT OR TRADE WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN ON THE TraderPlanet SERVICES OR IN ANY OF TraderPlanet S PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS, OR ELSEWHERE. In der Tat sind es oft starke Unterschiede zwischen HYPOTHETISCHEN ERGEBNISSE UND DIE TATSÄCHLICHE ERGEBNISSE DER FOLGE VON EINER BESTIMMTEN TRADING Programms vor. EINE DER EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN DER HYPOTHETISCHEN LEISTUNGSERGEBNISSE IST DAFÜR, DASS SIE ALLGEMEIN MIT DEM VORTEIL VON HINDSIGHT VORBEREITET WERDEN. FERNER NICHT HYPOTHETISCHEN TRADING FINANCIAL Risiken, UND KEIN HYPOTHETISCHEN Leumund KANN ACCOUNT VOLLSTÄNDIG FÜR DIE AUSWIRKUNGEN DER FINANZRISIKEN IN tatsächlichem Handel. Zum Beispiel, DIE FÄHIGKEIT VERLUSTE AUSHÄLT ODER EINEN BESTIMMTEN TRADING PROGRAMM TROTZ TRADING VERLUSTE zu halten sind materielle Punkte, die sich auch negativ auf IST-Trading-Ergebnisse beeinflussen können. THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS, IN GENERAL, OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM, WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS, AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. TraderPlanet HAS HAD LITTLE OR NO EXPERIENCE IN TRADING ACTUAL ACCOUNTS FOR ITSELF OR FOR CUSTOMERS. SINCE THERE ARE NO ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS TO COMPARE TO THE HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS, LICENSEE SHOULD BE PARTICULARLY WARY OF PLACING UNDUE RELIANCE ON THESE HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS. DARÜBER HINZUFÜGEN, DASS DIE ERGEBNISSE DAFÜR, DASS DIE ERGEBNISSE FÜR DIE AUSWIRKUNGEN AUF BESTIMMTE MARKTFAKTOREN ÜBERNOMMEN WERDEN KÖNNEN, SOWEIT LIQUIDITÄT. There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities, commodities, futures, options and Forex. Past results of any trader written about or referred to in the Content are not indicative of future returns by that trader, and are not indicative of future returns which may be realized by You or others. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung eines Handelssystems oder einer Methodik ist nicht notwendigerweise ein Hinweis auf zukünftige Ergebnisse. You should not trade with money that You can not afford to lose. Force Majeure. TraderPlanet and the TraderPlanet Indemnities are not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, servers or providers, computer online systems, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or players due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or on any of the TraderPlanet Services or combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Users or to any other persons computer related to or resulting from participating in, or downloading materials from, the TraderPlanet Services. Under no circumstances shall TraderPlanet and the TraderPlanet Indemnities be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, resulting from use of the TraderPlanet Services from attendance at a TraderPlanet sponsored event from any Content or Product posted on or through the TraderPlanet Services from the conduct of, or interactions with, any Merchant or User of the TraderPlanet Services, whether online or offline from any interruption, omission, defect, error, deletion, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, any User communications or from occurrences beyond TraderPlanets control, including but not limited to acts of governmental authority, weather, fire, floods, explosions, acts of God, strikes or other concerted acts of workers, riots, armed conflicts, acts of war, sabotage or terrorism, whether or not characterized in negligence, tort, contract, strict liability or other theory of liability and irrespective of any failure of an essential purpose of a limited remedy, even if TraderPlanet or the TraderPlanet Indemnities have been advised of the possibility of or could have foreseen any of the Excluded Damages. Disclaimer of Warranties. You expressly understand and agree that your use of the TraderPlanet Website and the TraderPlanet Services is entirely at your sole risk. Access to and use of the TraderPlanet Services (including the Content and Products available on the TraderPlanet Services), or through the TraderPlanet Services by way of links and pointers to Third Party Resources is provided on an as-is, with all faults, as available basis without any warranties of any kind. You agree that You are using the TraderPlanet Services at your own risk. The TraderPlanet Indemnities do not control or operate in any respect the Third Party Resources. There may be technical or factual inaccuracies and errors in the Third Party Services that may require changes and correction at any time, without notice. To the fullest extent permitted by law the TraderPlanet Indemnities specifically disclaim any and all representations or warranties, express, implied or statutory, including without limitation, any representations or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or warranties concerning the availability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, quality, suitability for your needs, quiet enjoyment, compatibility, reliability, usefulness, adequacy, deletion, mis-delivery, security, or failure to store any of your communications or personal settings, or Content or Products, warranty of title or warranty of non-infringement. TraderPlanet will make reasonable efforts to maintain the TraderPlanet Services. However, TraderPlanet does not guarantee that the Content or Products on the TraderPlanet Services including the Third Party Services (offered through the TraderPlanet Services or on Third Party Resources) will meet your requirements, is reliable, error free, available at all times (either directly or through third party networks), without interruption, that defects will be corrected, are free of viruses or other harmful components, or that the results obtained from the use of the TraderPlanet Services (comprising both the Content and the Products), including Third Party Services will be reliable, correct, error-free, timely, secure, complete, accurate, effective, profitable or otherwise. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to You. All liability for errors or omissions in, or the misinterpretation, transmission, translation or misuse of, any of the Content and Products on the TraderPlanet Services (including the Third Party Services available on the TraderPlanet Services or on Third Party Resources) is hereby expressly disclaimed. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE TraderPlanet SERVICES AND THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT IS ASSUMED SOLELY BY YOU. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ABOVE PROVISIONS, IF THERE SHALL AT ANY TIME BE OR ARISE ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF TraderPlanet OR ITS LICENSORS BY VIRTUE OF THIS AGREEMENT OR BECAUSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP THEREBY ESTABLISHED, WHETHER DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE OF TRADERPLANET OR ITS LICENSORS OR OTHERWISE, SUCH LIABILITY IS AND SHALL BE LIMITED TO A SUM EQUAL IN AMOUNT TO THE LESSER OF TEN PERCENT (10) OF THE SUMS PAID TO TRADERPLANET BY YOU, IF ANY, UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT OR 100.00, AS LIMITED DAMAGES AND NOT AS A PENALTY. THIS LIABILITY SHALL BE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. Exclusion of Damages. You agree to indemnify, release, defend, and hold harmless the TraderPlanet Indemnities from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, demand, causes of actions, costs, lost profits, lost opportunities, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive, or any other damages whatsoever and expenses (including, without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys fees) asserted against, resulting from, imposed upon or incurred by any of the TraderPlanet Indemnities as a result of, or arising out of this Agreement andor your use of, misuse of, inability to use, or reliance upon, the TraderPlanet Services or the placement, posting or transmission of any materials, content, blogs or messages comprising Member Content posted by You onto the TraderPlanet Services. These exclusions apply to any claims for lost profits, lost data, work stoppage, loss of goodwill, computer malfunction or failure, or any other commercial damages or losses, even if We knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages. Your sole and exclusive remedy for any dissatisfaction with the TraderPlanet Services or dispute with TraderPlanet is to discontinue your use of the TraderPlanet Services. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, the liability of the TraderPlanet Indemnities shall be limited to the extent permitted by law. Indemnification. In part consideration of the license granted herein, Licensee agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the TraderPlanet Indemnities and waives with respect to each Indemnity, and covenants not to sue any Indemnity for, any and all liabilities, claims, cost, demands, actions, causes of action, suits or proceedings, damages, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees and costs) of any nature whatsoever (collectively, the Liabilities) arising out of or in connection with Licensees use of the TraderPlanet Website or TraderPlanet Services, including those arising out of the Member Content You submit, post or make available through the TraderPlanet Services, your violation of this Agreement, your breach of any of the representation and warranties herein, or the infringement or violation by You of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, whether you are a Member or not. Such hold harmless, release, discharge, waiver and covenant not to sue shall include but not be limited to any Liabilities caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence (of any type) of any TraderPlanet Indemnity in connection with the TraderPlanet Website or TraderPlanet Services or the promotion or marketing thereof. TraderPlanet may assume the exclusive defense and control at your expense of any claim or matter subject to indemnification by You, and in such case, without limiting your other obligations hereunder, You agree to cooperate with and pay for all expenses incurred in the defense of such claim. Member Feedback. From time-to-time TraderPlanet may provide you with a mechanism to provide feedback, suggestions, ideas, and information (Feedback) beneficial to the overall User experience on the TraderPlanet Website. Your participation is completely voluntary and You have the choice of whether or not to disclose Feedback. You agree that TraderPlanet may, in its sole discretion, use the Feedback that You provide to it in any way, including in future modifications to the TraderPlanet Services, and You hereby grant TraderPlanet a perpetual, worldwide, fully transferable, irrevocable, royalty free license to use, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute and display the Feedback in any manner for any purpose. International Use. If You are located outside of the United States, information that You provide to TraderPlanet will be sent to the United States. By becoming a Member You consent to your Personal Information being sent to the United States. Some of the Content may be relevant only in the U. S. and may not be relevant to or compliant with the laws, regulations or other legal requirements of other countries. It is your responsibility to determine whether, how and to what extent your intended use of the Content will be technically and legally possible in the areas of the world where You intend to use them. U. S. Export Controls and Regulations. This Agreement is expressly made subject to any laws, regulations, orders, rules or other restrictions on the export from the United States of America of the software, applications or technologies available in connection with the TraderPlanet Website and TraderPlanet Services (the TraderPlanet Applications) that may be imposed from time to time by the government of the United States of America. You may not directly or indirectly export, re-export, transfer, or release the TraderPlanet Applications, or any direct product thereof, for any proscribed end-use, or to any proscribed country, entity or person (wherever located), without proper authorization from the U. S. andor foreign government. No TraderPlanet Applications may be downloaded from the TraderPlanet Services or otherwise exported or re-exported in violation of U. S. export laws. Downloading or using the TraderPlanet Applications is at your sole risk. You agree that You are not in a country where such export is prohibited or are a person or entity to which such export is prohibited. You are responsible for compliance with the laws of your local jurisdiction regarding import or export of the TraderPlanet Applications. TraderPlanet makes no representation that the TraderPlanet Website or the Content on the TraderPlanet Services is appropriate or available for use in locations outside the United States, and accessing it from territories where the Content is illegal is prohibited. If You choose to access the TraderPlanet Website from a location outside the United States, You do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws. Proprietary Rights. TraderPlanet or one of its affiliates or licensors is the owner andor authorized user of any trademark, registered trademark andor service mark posted to the TraderPlanet Services by TraderPlanet or its licensors. TraderPlanet is the copyright owner of the TraderPlanet Content or licensee of the Licensor Content on the TraderPlanet Services, unless otherwise indicated. TraderPlanets copyright of the TraderPlanet Services includes its ownership of a copyright in the selection, arrangement, organization and enhancement of the Content on the TraderPlanet Services. The look and feel of button shapes, color combinations, and other graphical elements on the TraderPlanet Services are trademarks of TraderPlanet. If You make any use of the TraderPlanet Services, except as provided for in this Agreement, You may violate copyright and other laws of the United States, other countries, as well as applicable state laws and may be subject to liability for such unauthorized use. TraderPlanet does not grant any license or other authorization to You of its trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks, other copyrighted or copyrightable material or any other intellectual property, by including them on the TraderPlanet Services. Use of Software. TraderPlanet may make software (Software) available for You to download or use. Such Software will be subject to the terms of the license agreement that accompanies it. If there is no license agreement accompanying the Software, then the terms in this Section shall govern your use of such Software. We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install the Software on a single computer. The Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties and is owned by TraderPlanet or one of its licensor affiliates. You may not sell or redistribute the Software. You may not incorporate it or any portion of it into another product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software or otherwise attempt to derive the source code (except where expressly permitted by law). You may not modify, adapt, or create derivative works from the Software in any way or remove proprietary or copyright notices from the Software. You agree to abide by all laws and regulations in effect regarding your use of the Software. You may not authorize or assist any third party to do any of the things prohibited in this section. We may automatically check your version of the Software and update it to improve its performance and capabilities. If you shut down the Software during an automatic update or otherwise interfere with the installation of the update, the Software may be damaged andor cease to rate properly or at all. Modification to the TraderPlanet Services and Agreement. TraderPlanet reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time for any reason, by posting such changes on the TraderPlanet Website, and to change, modify, suspend or discontinue the TraderPlanet Services (or any parts thereof), temporarily or permanently, including but not limited to revising andor eliminating or discontinuing any aspect, content, features or other Content on or available through the TraderPlanet Services without prior notice to You. You agree that the TraderPlanet Indemnities shall not be liable to You or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the TraderPlanet Services. You acknowledge that TraderPlanet may establish general practices and limits concerning your use of the TraderPlanet Services (and may modify such practices and limits from time to time), including the maximum number of days that Content will be retained by the TraderPlanet Services, the maximum number and size of postings, email messages, or other Content that may be transmitted or stored by the TraderPlanet Services, and the frequency with which You may access the TraderPlanet Services. You are responsible for checking this Agreement on the TraderPlanet Website on a regular basis to keep yourself apprised of any changes to ensure familiarity with the most current version of this Agreement. Display of notice of changes of this Agreement online at the TraderPlanet Website shall constitute effective notice under this Agreement on the day TraderPlanet places the changes on-line on its TraderPlanet Website, and your continued use of the TraderPlanet Website thereafter shall constitute and signify your acceptance of the new terms and conditions and agreement to be bound by any such modifications, amendments, additions or deletions. Third Party Applications. Your access to or use of the TraderPlanet Services may require your use of a media player or other application that is not provided by TraderPlanet and for which TraderPlanet is not liable. Your use of such media player or other application will be governed by the license agreement accompanying the same, and You agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions of such license agreement. Correctional Institution Inmates Prohibited. Inmates at any jail, prison, or correctional institution are expressly prohibited from using the TraderPlanet Services. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, You acknowledge that You are not currently incarcerated in any jail, prison, or correctional facility of any kind and further agree not to allow your Account to be used by any inmate at any jail, prison, or other correctional facility. Competitor Use Prohibited, Liquidated Damages for Competitive Use. The TraderPlanet Website and the TraderPlanet Services are to be used for non-competitive purposes only. Use of the TraderPlanet Website or TraderPlanet Services by competing businesses, their affiliates, employees, or other associates is absolutely prohibited and constitutes a breach of this Agreement, giving rise to substantial damages. If You are an owner, employee or other associate of a competing social networking website (other than simply a member), You hereby agree that damages from the unlicensed visitation of the TraderPlanet Website are difficult to compute. Damages from breach of this competitor use provision shall therefore be set at 10,000.00 per unauthorized TraderPlanet Website visit. You hereby agree that such damages are a reasonable estimate of actual damages and waive your right to contest these damages in a court of law or other proceeding. Cancellation, Termination and Interruption of Services. You agree that TraderPlanet has the right (but not the obligation) to deactivate or delete your Account, restrict, deny or terminate your access to all or part of the TraderPlanet Services, block your email or IP address, or otherwise terminate your access to or use of the TraderPlanet Services (or any part thereof), or remove, edit, andor discard any content or postings transmitted by You, or information sent, stored or received via the TraderPlanet Services, immediately and without prior notice and for any or no reason, in its sole and absolute discretion, and without liability, if, in its opinion, it believes that your use of the TraderPlanet Services may violate any laws, infringe upon another persons or entitys rights, violate any of the terms of the Agreement or is inconsistent with the letter or spirit of the Agreement, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate for continued access. You also agree that TraderPlanet may in its sole and absolute discretion and at any time, discontinue providing the TraderPlanet Services, or any part thereof, with or without notice. You agree that any termination of your access to the TraderPlanet Services under any provision of this Agreement may be effected without prior notice and that TraderPlanet reserves the right to bar any further access to the TraderPlanet Services. You expressly agree and acknowledge that the TraderPlanet Indemnities shall not be liable to You or any third-party for any termination of your access to the TraderPlanet Services, and that this provision is an essential element of our relationship, without which TraderPlanet would not offer the TraderPlanet Services to You. Upon termination of the TraderPlanet Services, your right to use the TraderPlanet Services will immediately cease. In the event of such termination TraderPlanet has no obligation whatsoever to refund any portion of fees paid or compensate You for any lost use of your privileges under this Agreement or for any credits that You accrued as a result of your prior use of the TraderPlanet Services, and You shall have no right and TraderPlanet will have no obligation thereafter to forward any unread or unsent messages to You or any third party. If You have subscribed to any fee-based service, You remain responsible for paying any amounts owed on your Account at the time your fee-based service andor Account is terminated or cancelled. If You are participating in any free promotional offer for accessing a fee-based service, You must cancel such service before the end of the free trial period to avoid incurring charges. Certain fee-based services may require cancellation charges, and You agree to pay all such cancellation charges. You acknowledge and agree that TraderPlanet may, in its sole discretion, deny You access, through the TraderPlanet Services, to linked Third Party Resources on the Internet, and TraderPlanet shall have no responsibility to notify any third-party providers, nor any responsibility for any consequences resulting from lack of notification. Termination, suspension or cancellation of this Agreement or your access rights to the TraderPlanet Services shall not affect any right or relief to which TraderPlanet may be entitled, at law or in equity. Upon termination of this Agreement, all rights granted to You will automatically terminate and immediately revert back to TraderPlanet and its licensors, and You agree not to attempt to use the TraderPlanet Services after said termination. You may cancel your Member status in the TraderPlanet Services with or without cause at any time by emailing your request TraderPlanet. After cancellation, You will no longer have access to the Password Protected Member Services and all information or content of yours contained therein may be deleted by TraderPlanet. TraderPlanet shall not accept any liability for such deleted information or content. All provisions of this Agreement, except for any license granted to You, survive any suspension or termination of your Member status or of access to all of or any part of the TraderPlanet Services. Communications and Notices. You agree to receive all TraderPlanet required communications and notices, including service announcements, electronic emails, newsletters and administrative messages (quotNoticesquot) from us. WE MAY PROVIDE NOTICES TO YOU ELECTRONICALLY EITHER BY E-MAIL OR BY POSTING THE NOTICE ON THE TRADERPLANET WEBSITE. The delivery of any Notice is effective when sent or posted by us, regardless of whether You read the Notice or actually receive delivery. You can withdraw your consent to receive Notices electronically by terminating your Member Account and discontinuing your use of the TraderPlanet Services. Additional Terms. You acknowledge and agree that the warranty disclaimers and liability and remedy limitations in this Agreement are material terms of this Agreement and that they have been taken into account in the decision by TraderPlanet to give you access to the TraderPlanet Services hereunder. You may not assign any of your rights, obligations or privileges hereunder without the prior, written consent of TraderPlanet. Any assignment of the foregoing other than as provided for in this section shall be null and void, ab initio. Severability and Integration. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between You and TraderPlanet and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements between us. The failure of TraderPlanet to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any part or provision of the Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to your use of the TraderPlanet Services or the Agreement must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy. TraderPlanet respects the intellectual property of others, and asks our Users to do the same. You acknowledge and agree that the Content and information presented by Authorized Advertisers andor otherwise presented to You through the TraderPlanet Services is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws, and that You obtain no right or license in or to such items other than as expressly set forth herein. We assume no responsibility for content or information on Third Party Resources and other websites that You may link to or access from the TraderPlanet Services. Material available on or through other websites may be protected by copyright and the intellectual property laws of the United States andor other countries. The terms of use of those websites, and not our Agreement, govern your use of that material. It is our policy, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, to disable andor terminate the Accounts of Members who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of TraderPlanet andor others. Datenschutz-Bestimmungen. TraderPlanets Privacy Policy is hereby made part of and incorporated into this Agreement for informational purposes. Your ongoing use of the TraderPlanet Services signifies your consent to the information practices disclosed in our Privacy Policy. You consent to the transfer of this information to and within the United States of America or such other countries as We may disclose from time to time for processing and storage by us. Additionally, You agree that We may use your Personal Information to authenticate You on any service provided by us or our affiliates. Notice for Claims of Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Violations and Agent for Notice. TraderPlanets Notice for Claims of Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Violations and Agent for Notice is hereby made part of and incorporated into this Agreement for informational purposes. Agreement with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement. By using the TraderPlanet Services you represent that You have read and understand this Agreement and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions contained herein. Should You object to any provisions of this Agreement or any subsequent modifications thereto or become dissatisfied with the TraderPlanet Services in any way, your sole and exclusive remedy and only recourse is to immediately discontinue your use of the TraderPlanet Services. Governing Law, Forum Selection. This Agreement and the relationship between You and TraderPlanet shall be governed, interpreted and construed in accordance with the decisional laws of the State of Florida. This choice of law provision is intended to operate to the exclusion of (a) any choice of law or other law or provision that would result in this Agreement or any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement being resolved by the decisional laws of any other state or country including your own, and (b) any law or convention that would otherwise apply including, but not limited to, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The parties hereby both knowingly, voluntarily, intentionally and irrevocably agree to waive any right to have any issue resolved by a jury and cede to the Court all matters of law and fact for resolution. Licensee and TraderPlanet each agree that the exclusive venue for bringing and maintaining any action arising out of, related to, or in connection with this Agreement shall be in Hillsborough County, Florida or federal court for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division. Licensee and TraderPlanet agree that, if Licensee brings any action or proceeding against TraderPlanet in any other venue in violation of this forum selection clause and TraderPlanet is the prevailing party on a motion to dismiss for improper venue or motion to transfer venue, TraderPlanet will be immediately entitled to recover its costs and attorneys fees associated with such motion. Licensee hereby irrevocably consents to personal jurisdiction of, and venue in, state or federal courts in Hillsborough County, Florida over any disputes or claims Licensee has with TraderPlanet and hereby waives any claim or defense that such venue is not convenient or proper, and consents to service of process by any means authorized by Florida law. No Class Action. You forever waive your right to participate in any class action against TraderPlanet, its successors, subsidiaries, affiliates, or assigns, whether in a court of law, administrative body, through arbitration, or any other process in a joint action with other similarly situated complainants. No legal, arbitrative, administrative, or other action against TraderPlanet, its successors, subsidiaries, affiliates, or assigns, may be combined with any other action and You agree that You will consent to any motion to sever any action of which You are a part and proceed against TraderPlanet individually. Successors. It is agreed that the benefits and the burdens of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon TraderPlanet, its successors and assigns, and Licensee, his or its successors, heirs, and personal representatives. Attorneys Fees. In the event TraderPlanet should be required to take legal action to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, TraderPlanet may recover its reasonable Attorneys fees (up to and including any appellate proceedings) and costs from the Licensee whether or not litigation results. This Section shall be construed as an agreement, independent of any other provision in this Agreement, and the existence of any claim or cause of action on the part of Licensee against TraderPlanet, whether predicated on this Agreement or otherwise, shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement by TraderPlanet of the provisions of this Section. Construction. Any heading, caption or section title contained in this Agreement is inserted only as a matter of convenience, in no way defines or explains any section or provision hereof and shall not control the meaning or the interpretation of any of the provisions of this Agreement. No Fraud or Reliance on TraderPlanet Representations. Licensee further acknowledges and agrees that Licensee entered into this Agreement based solely upon the terms contained within this Agreement and without relying upon any oral or written inducements, statements or representations by TraderPlanet or its agents or representatives that are not set forth in this Agreement. No Agency. You and TraderPlanet are independent contractors, and no agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this Agreement. Additional Acknowledgements. LICENSEE FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT LICENSEE HAS CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT, HAD SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO CONSULT WITH LEGAL COUNSEL OF LICENSEES CHOICE BEFORE ENTERING THIS AGREEMENT ANDOR USING THE TraderPlanet SERVICES, UNDERSTANDS LICENSEES RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE AGREEMENT, AND THAT USE OF THE TraderPlanet SERVICES BY THE LICENSEE IS AN ACCEPTANCE BY THE LICENSEE OF ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notice for Claims of Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Violations and Agent for Notice Pursuant to Title 17, U. S. Code sect 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement, or notification of other intellectual property rights violation, should be sent ONLY to the Designated Agent below. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING CONTENT IS PROVIDED EXCLUSIVELY FOR NOTIFYING THE SERVICE PROVIDERS REFERENCED BELOW THAT YOUR COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL MAY HAVE BEEN INFRINGED. DO NOT SEND ANY INQUIRIES UNRELATED TO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (E. G. REQUESTS FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OR CUSTOMER SERVICE, REPORTS OF EMAIL ABUSE, ETC.) TO THE CONTACT LISTED BELOW. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE IF SENT TO THIS CONTACT. Written notification of claimed copyright infringement must be submitted to the following Designated Agent via the following routes: Mail: Under Title 17, sect 51 2(c)(3)(A) of the United States Code, the Notification of Claimed Infringement must include the following: 1. An electronic or physical signature of the owner or of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest. 2. An identification of the copyrighted work, or works, that you believe to have been infringed upon. The identification must provide sufficient detail to specify the work. For example, an identification for a web page might state, The copyrighted work at issue is the text that appears on originalexpressionoriginalpage. html. Where the work is another form of publication, the identifying Content could include the name, edition, ISBN number and pages of a book from which an excerpt was copied, the music album or single, etc. as appropriate. 3. A clear description of where the infringing material is located on our Web site, including, as applicable, its URL, so that we can locate the material. 4. Content reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you. An email address is preferred. Alternatively, you might provide your mailing address andor telephone number. 5. The following statement: I have a good-faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law. 6. The following statement: I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the Content in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. This privacy policy (Privacy Policy) explains our online information practices regarding the treatment of information that we collect and maintain about You in connection with your use of the TraderPlanet Website and your use of our TraderPlanet Services. This policy does not apply to the practices of other entities that TraderPlanet does not own or control or to individuals whom TraderPlanet does not employ or manage, including operators and owners of websites that You may link to or from the TraderPlanet Website or from which You link to the TraderPlanet Website. By using the TraderPlanet Services andor accessing the TraderPlanet Website, You acknowledge and agree that You have read and understood this Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into the Agreement by reference, and consent to the practices described herein. In addition, if You register as a Member of any of the Password Protected Member Services, during the registration process (and from time to time as we may require) you may be prompted to click an I Accept, Submit or similar button, which further confirms your consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy and agreement to all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Introduction We are committed to respecting your online privacy and recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of any Personal Information You share with us. This Privacy Policy applies only to information You provide to us online or that We obtain in connection with your use of the TraderPlanet Website or the TraderPlanet Services. It does not apply to information obtained offline or through other non-electronic means. Personal Information means any information that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to, first and last name, personal profile, home or other physical address and an email address or other contact information, whether at work or at home. Currently, we do not require You to provide Personal Information in order to have access to the free information, commentary, analysis and news available on the TraderPlanet Services to Visitors. If You wish to have access to Password Protected Member Services and to receive any email notifications or updates from TraderPlanet, You need to register to create a profile and provide TraderPlanet with Personal Information comprised of your email address and a password. At a later time, You may add additional Personal Information to your Member profile. If You choose to provide us with your Personal Information on the TraderPlanet Services, we may transfer that Personal Information within the TraderPlanet Services or to TraderPlanets third-party service providers, but only to provide services on the TraderPlanet Services, across borders, and from your country or jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world. TraderPlanet strives to comply with all applicable laws around the world that are designed to protect your privacy. Although legal requirements may vary from country to country, TraderPlanet is committed to adhere to the principles set forth in this Privacy Policy even if, in connection with the above, We transfer your Personal Information from your country to countries that may not require an adequate level of protection for your Personal Information. In other words, our goal is to provide protection for your Personal Information no matter where that Personal Information is collected, transferred, or retained. TraderPlanet complies with the National Do Not Call (NDNC) Registry rules and does not call any individual unless that individual makes an inquiry about TraderPlanet, its services or its offerings. If an individual makes an inquiry TraderPlanet may in accordance with the NDNC rules contact that individual by phone, email, or fax concerning future events, products, or services for up to three months after the inquiry. If the individual establishes a business relationship (for a fee or otherwise) with TraderPlanet by completing a transaction (including downloading an e-book or streaming video), attending an event (including a virtual webinar), purchasing a service or product, etc. TraderPlanet may contact that individual by phone, email, or fax concerning future events, products, or services for up to eighteen months after the last such transaction. Spam We do not send unsolicited emails (spam). In addition, We will never share email addresses or other Personal Information with unaffiliated third parties unless You grant permission beforehand. Any personal Information provided to us by any visitor or Member is kept strictly confidential. We conform to all state and federal laws regarding emailing. Use of Personal Information Any Personal Information we might have about any individual was submitted to us by said individual. Any data we obtain is used for the purpose of exposing visitors and Members to relevant products andor services that We or our advertisers offer. We are committed to protecting all of the Personal Information that We collect and do not distribute this Personal Information to unaffiliated third parties unless You grant permission beforehand. Subscribers to our various newsletters and emails may opt out of receiving these messages (other than Required Messages) at any time. Instructions for opting out are clearly communicated in each such message. Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies Select pages on the TraderPlanet Services utilize cookies and other tracking technologies. A cookie is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about your activity on the TraderPlanet Services and how You use our TraderPlanet Website. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall Personal Information previously provided to TraderPlanet by a Member of the TraderPlanet Services. When You revisit the TraderPlanet Services, this cookie will enable TraderPlanet to recognize You and provide You with direct access to the TraderPlanet Services without requiring You to retype any password or other Personal Information. You are responsible for updating and maintaining the truth and accuracy of the Personal Information that You provide relating to your Account. Most browsers allow You to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. TraderPlanet also gathers information about Members individual use of our services, such as types of data accessed, times and volume of use, duration of sessions and other similar usage or system data. If You are not logged into the TraderPlanet Website as a Member but are browsing its public areas, TraderPlanet logs IP addresses and domain names. This information is aggregated for system administration and to monitor the TraderPlanet Websites usage. However, this technical information is not used to identify You personally. It is utilized to measure the number of visits to the TraderPlanet Website, average time spent, number of pages viewed and to monitor various other site statistics. This monitoring helps us evaluate how Visitors use and navigate the TraderPlanet Website so we can make improvements to it. When applicable, these cookies will most likely automatically note and record the following Information to improve our TraderPlanet Services and your Web navigation experience: IP - Internet Protocol Address ISP - Internet Service Provider Browser type and version You may set most browsers to notify You if You receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser, but please note that if You choose to erase or block your cookies, You will need to re-enter certain identifying Personal Information, should We in the future require such Personal Information, necessary for You to gain access to Password Protected Member Services. Security We make every effort to protect the Personal Information provided to us. Please be aware that We cannot guarantee the security of any Personal Information transferred over the Internet. You do so at your own risk. All TraderPlanet Services registered Members are required to enter into the Agreement with TraderPlanet before they are able to access and use the TraderPlanet Services. This Agreement should be carefully read before registering as a Member of the TraderPlanet community. Notice We do not provide your Personal Information to unaffiliated third parties without your permission. We do make available to our Members certain offers or services from unaffiliated third parties who have products, services, and opportunities which may be useful to You. When We do We will ask You to enter the contact information You want to share in order to receive the offers or services You select. If You enter your contact information at that point You are giving your permission to allow the unaffiliated third parties to contact You, and for Traderplanet to share the contact information just entered with the unaffiliated third party advertisers whose offers or services You have requested. The shared information will be limited to that contact information You provided in order to receive the offers or services requested. TraderPlanet does not intend to transfer Personal Information without your consent to unaffiliated third parties who are not bound to act on TraderPlanets behalf unless such transfer is legally required. Regardless of your decision regarding the sharing of your Personal Information, We may share broad aggregate demographic data and related usage Information with our business partners and affiliates. This aggregate Information does not contain any Personal Information that can identify an individual Member. Choice You may choose whether or not to provide Personal Information to TraderPlanet. The notices We will provide where TraderPlanet collects Personal Information on the TraderPlanet Services should assist in making this choice. If You choose not to provide the Personal Information We request, You can still visit most of the TraderPlanet Services as a Visitor, but You will be unable to access the Password Protected Member Services and certain options, offers, and services that require that you become a Member. Security We have implemented suitable security policies, rules and technical measures to protect and safeguard the Personal Information under our control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our employees and data processors that have access to, and are associated with the processing of your Personal Information, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your Personal Information. Access Accuracy To the extent that You do provide us with Personal Information, TraderPlanet wishes to maintain accurate Personal Information. You may check your profile and add information, delete information or correct any incorrect information. Collection of Information by Third-Party Sites Our TraderPlanet Services may use a reputable third party to present or serve the advertisements that You may see at our TraderPlanet Services. These third party ad servers may use cookies, web beacons, clear gifs or similar technologies to help present such advertisements, and to help measure and research the advertisements effectiveness. The use of these technologies by these third party ad servers is subject to their own privacy policies and is not covered by our Privacy Policy. Links to Other Sites Our TraderPlanet Services may contain links to other websites. Other sites may also reference or link to our TraderPlanet Services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the information of such other sites. Childrens Privacy The TraderPlanet Services is not intended to attract children. Accordingly, We do not intend to collect Personal Information from anyone We know to be under 18 years of age. Commitment We are committed to protecting your privacy. Protecting your privacy online is an evolving technology, and TraderPlanet is constantly evolving to meet these demands. If you have any comments or questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at PrivacyTraderPlanet. While We cannot guarantee privacy perfection, We will address any issue to the best of our abilities as soon as possible . Your Consent By using this TraderPlanet Services, You consent to the terms of our Privacy Policy and to TraderPlanets processing of Personal Information for the purposes given above. If You do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our TraderPlanet Services. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions from this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Your continued use of our TraderPlanet Services following the posting of changes to these terms means You accept these changes.

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